showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Paper Mario  Nintendo (Intelligent Systems)2001Paper Mario delivers the same turn-based battles and intricate puzzles found in the original Super Mario RPG. Paper-thin characters flip and flutter through Mushroom Kingdom, creating a refreshingly unique gaming experience. Just because Paper Mario looks like a living storybook, don't assume that the gameplay is just for kids! Paper Mario contains a rich storyline, complex puzzles and strategic turn-based battles.***European version
[32]***Japanese version
[32]***In this sprawling action-RPG, Mario may be two-dimensional but his adventure is anything but thin! Paper Mario brilliantly blends the heroic plumber's platform antics with a hilarious quest full of offbeat characters and wacky challenges.

Released to critical acclaim in 2001, Paper Mario takes you on an exciting journey through the Mushroom Kingdom to release the Star Spirits imprisoned by a power-hungry Bowser.

Along the way you'll fight enemies in entertaining turn-based battles, team up with a variety of uniquely skilled partners, discover secret minigames and even bake a cake!***Paper Mario is a graphically innovative game that breaks from the confines of the RPG genre. Now slimmed down, everyone's favorite plumber flips, spins, jumps and hammers his way through scads of exotic worlds that teem with a huge and hugely entertaining supporting cast. Players control numerous old and new characters in a complex, nonlinear story that follows different scenarios depending on player choices. A dizzying collection of spells, attacks, skills and special items can be collected by players willing to thoroughly explore the lush 3-D environments.